About Me

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i am: a poem. a song. a sonnet.student of life.dangerously charming.reluctant hearthrob.wicked softie. poet in recluse,writer at heart.sportswriter in perpetuity.grounded romantic.reformed caffeine addict.photojournalist wannabe.closet diva.digs poetry readings.coffee talks.museum talks.nights on Bora beach.Neruda disciple.Coelho fan.frustrated rockstar.miffed painter.teacher.mentor.coach.counselor.sister.friend.

Friday, November 17, 2006

christmas wish ramblings.

it's christmas.
literally, i could feel it on my toes! and i kid you not.
i can't believe how hard it is for me to haul up my ass and part with my pillows these past few days. the less-than-nippy morning cold is getting all too wonderfully...well, cold for me that it makes me reach for my blankie and snuggle more into my pillow-coccoon.
it's my all-time favorite time of the year. second to my birthday.
and nope, it has nothing to do with presents.
come to think of it, in my 27 years of existence, i don't have a mountain of presents to boast of. only a maximum outflow of cash come this season as i have this tendency to really splurge on food and gifts, especially to my love ones.

and i'm not bragging. it's just me thinking out loud.

methinks yesterday's late afternoon activity hasn't totally evaporated from my mind yet.
the pre-closing adrenaline rush over our 'small office party' has intensely rubbed on a contagious kind of cheer.

we're all agog with our respective wish list that we tacked on our whiteboard.
our wish list for those peeps who have blindlessly picked our name from the cutesy makeshift bowl that Ate Friesy has passed around, and are imposed to receive gifts from on the 8th of December. hahaha

wishes ranging from a guitar, DVD copies of fave movies, CDs, flowers and IL POSTINO books sparsely peppered our whiteboard which is usually scribbled with CorpComm's events for the week/month.

scanning it anew just this morning just made me smile. >wink<

i dunno why....Christmas does that to me.
you know...sporting a silly smile just because i feel happy.
and it's one feeling i have sorely missed for quite some time.

that bubbly, spirited, really happy happy.

maybe, it won't hurt to jot down my Christmas wish list.

just let this poor urbanite wiggle out of corporate reality okay? >wink<

hmmmm...lemme see....

1. a copy of Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets and a Song of Despair
2. a really, really nice journal
3. a really, really nice fountain pen
4. a desk lamp
5. a laptop (40 gig, DVD burner/reader, Wi-Fi ready)
6. 30gig iPod
7. Nike backpack
8. Nike Cross Trainers
9. Nike Running Shoes
10. wishing bracelets

i've only got 10 dude...
whew! re-reading it, i laughed silently. of course, who would give me these stuff?

i heart myself.

of course, i could dream right? (",)

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